Tuesday 29 July 2008

Purple Photographs

Butterfly and thistle on my morning walk

The beautiful Rosanne perennial geranium in my garden

Agapanthas ready to open S.A

Plumbago growing wild in the gardens at Fugitives Drift S.A.

Perennial Sweet Pea at Fugitive Drift S.A

The Banana Whitt outside our room in Tobago

Monday 14 July 2008

Sights and Sands of Arabia

The Desert
The crimson sun burns down with blazing heat,
Killing vegetation, scorching bare feet.
I journey alone through the rock and sand,
Hoping to one day flee from this wasteland.
Oasis's appear, springing up fast.
But these sources of life never do last.
They disappear before I get a taste,
And then I am forced to wander the wastes.
Nothing lives for long in this barren Hell.
Parched bones testify to that all too well.
When plants appear I hope for fertile land,
But when I reach them all I find is... sand.
Author Unknown

These photographs were taken on a trip to Dubai, personally I think the city itself is more of a desert than the real desert, which is full of wonderful and magical colours forever changing.
I hope you enjoy some of the moods that I captured.